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Unified Patent Court Case Management System Certificaten (UPC CMS)

New methodology for authentication and digital signing

To use CMS you need the following:

  • An authentication certificate on a physical device, such as a USB token, to access the CMS.
  • A signing certificate to digitally sign documents before they can be uploaded to the CMS.

Digicert-QuoVadis is an EU Qualified Trusted Service Provider (QSTP) that can deliver both the authentication and the signing certificate, QCert for Esig (Qualified certificate for electronic signature), in accordance with the eIDAS guidelines on a Qualified Signature Creation Device (QSCD).
Detailed information about using and testing your certificates can be found in the following document, upc_-_strong_authentication_-_how_to.pdf, from the site of (note opens in an extra tab).


** price is excluding VAT and optional additional costs.

